Resources & Links

The Kindness Continuum is not the only place to read about kindness. This page will provide information about other articles, books, videos, websites and blogs that may be of interest to those of you looking for more kindness connections. Check back from time to time because I hope to expand and update the list as I discover what else is out there.

I’m also interested in what you think about these sites. How are they helpful? How do you think this site could move the kindness conversations forward in a different way?

Websites Devoted to Kindness

(in no particular order)

12 Kinds of Kindness

Spread Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness


Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere

Resources for Teaching Kindness

Think Kindness

Practice Kindness

World Kindness Movement

Brad Aronson’s Inspirational Stories of Kindness

Random Acts

I’ll be There Project

Interesting Articles on Kindness

Huffington Post 2/25/14 – Stop Performing Random Acts of Kindness

Huffington Post 4/20/15 (updated 12/6/17)- 5 Researched Based Reasons to be Kind

Interesting Websites that are Relevant to Kindness Continuum Concepts

Dushaw Hockett – The Social Transformation Project