
Where are you on the Kindness Continuum? Where do you want to be? How important is kindness in your daily life?  How can we use kindness to make a real difference in our world? What do we know about how kindness impacts the world? What more do we need to know about how kindness actually works? What is the relationship between kindness, fairness, and justice? Where does empathy fit in?

This blog will explore these questions and many more to uncover the intricate connections between our humanity and kindness. We will discover where it fits (or doesn’t…) in our personal lives, the lives of those around us, and in the world at large.

Each week or so a new post will appear as a jumping off point for thought and discussion. We will examine the concept of kindness from different angles and perspectives. What do we know about kindness from our own personal experience? What does the research say about kindness? What is the relationship between kindness and success or happiness in life? What are the different ways that kindness can impact the world? We will share stories, offer tools for expanding the role of kindness in our own lives, and discover the rich resources available that will increase our understanding and resolve as we move ourselves forward along the Kindness Continuum.

Kindness is intentional and takes effort and is not to be taken for granted! Welcome aboard as we explore this important concept and learn together how to harness it!